Quotations of Educating Children (2)

Quotations of Educating Children

    “Man’s nature at birth is good” Children do not have bad habits when they are about to learn things. We have good reason to say that all the bad characters they have had later are learnt from people surrounding them. Therefore, parents are inescapable to be responsible for the bad characters of their children.

    We ought to be convinced that mostly, parents have only themselves to blame for the bad habits of their children because they themselves have many bad habits or haven’t been educated well.

    Indeed, most parents in our society have good moral characters. Well then, problems occur in ways and means of instruction to the children.

    Have parents known various ways and means of instruction, and have relatively matured thinking, they will not be perplexed but proficient in instructing children. Thereby, children will grow up to be outstanding under the earnest exhortations of their parents.

    By editing the “Quotations of Instructing the Children”, we have collected the fine ways and means of instruction, the matured instructing thought, as well as know-how of successful instruction of the famous ideologists and educationists in the world to present to all parents who hope to have great children and all children who wish for being top-notch player.

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