Local.Calibration, High Accuracy CT Measurement the new features in Nikon XT H 225ST 2x

6th unique new feature: Local.Calibration, High Accuracy CT Measurement
Local.Calibration allows fast, automated calibration of voxel size at any CT scan position, rather than the user performing the function manually.
It leads to a radical improvement in measurement accuracy for metrology applications. Further benefits are that the procedure is deskilled, and dimensional accuracy is traceable.
As the CT scan position is calibrated concerning a known artifact, measurements can be made with a high level of confidence.

Contact for more information at:

Industrial Instruments Division
Hollywood International Company Limited
Call 02-653-8555, 02-653-8255, 02-251-6023 (30 lines) ext 710, 712, 715, 720, 727, 728 or 729
E-mail: ind@hollywood.co.th
Website: http://www.hollywood.co.th